Guitar update for 2023

It turns out I have an issue with my fretting hand. . . my left one. I have what’s called a limited ‘supinate range of motion’, in that I can’t rotate my palm so that it’s completely face up. I’m off by almost 45 degrees. This is pretty well a show stopper to being able to play barre chords.

In other news, I’m good with the open chords. I’ve also learned the 5 pentatonic shapes, and can adjust their location depending on the key of the song I’m playing. I’m mostly noodling to backup tracks from YouTube.

Things I really should learn are:

  • Licks, bends and slides for my pentatonic scales.
  • Travis finger picking and fingerstyle in general.
  • Barre chords, however I need to find a new way to hold the guitar (due to the wrist issue).
  • Triads and arpeggios

In the meantime, the songs I provide for our local seniors group are:

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