On Sound Reactive WLED

After spending a few years writing and sharing animations with the FastLED display library for addressable LED strips, I incorporated sound reactivity to WLED. This included both volume reactive routines as well as frequency reactive routines using various Fast Fourier Transform libraries.

My YouTube account has several animations:


This later evolved into adding animations as well as integrating sound reactivity with WLED; a very popular led animation program. My animations are in my github account at:


Other volunteers joined in and helped grow sound reactivity and animations beyond what I was capable of. Truly a global and multidisciplinary effort.

Much of our sound reactive fork of WLED has since been incorporated into the original WLED repository, and development also continues with the Moon Modules repository at:


I’ve since gone onto learning guitar . . a feat that is looking to be much more difficult than programming leds with 2D frequency based sound reactivity on a microcontroller.

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