To test the synchronization functionality of SongbookPro.
Configure Window 10 workstation running SongbookPro as the ‘source’ for songs, Sets and Folders, and an Android phone as the ‘destination’.
We’ll be testing adding/removing songs, folders, sets and songs within and see how these changes are replicated to the destination device.
Dropbox Synchronization:
Source configuration:
- Online Sync enabled
- Manual sync only
- One way sync NOT configured
Destination configuration:
- Online Sync enabled
- Manual sync only
- One way sync NOT configured
I performed many tests, however I’m just going to publish the ones that gave unexpected results.
First Result
There was a previous SBP database uploaded to Dropbox, however I erased the database from BOTH devices, so that it should push the newly created database to Dropbox.
Instead, both devices loaded the OLD SBP database from Dropbox.
I ended up going into Dropbox and deleting the database from the Apps/SongbookPro folder.
Second Result
This test will start out with no database on the Dropbox server and freshly deleted database on both source and destination devices.
Removed a song from the ‘Starter’ test set on the source device.
After sync, the song remained in the test set on the destination device.
Tried again with a complete reset of databases on devices and Dropbox.
Song remained in the test set on the destination device after the song was deleted from the source device and both devices synced.
This was NOT expected, and I suspect this is because those songs were added separately from one another and not synced from one device to the other. Further testing required.
Third Result
Created a folder on a device and added a song and then successfully performed a sync to the other device.
Then, remove the song from the newly created folder on the other, expecting it to be removed from the original as well after a sync. The song was NOT deleted from the folder on the original source device.
Fourth Result
Remove the song from the Set on the other device and sync. Similar to folders, the song was NOT deleted on the original device either.
Time to up the ante with more tests adding/deleting tests. Based on these tests, I suspect you can only remove and sync to the other device, songs from sets/folders on the device in which they were added.
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