Version Control on SBP

After some challenging experiences and unexpected results with Sync and Backup/Restore on SongbookPro, I think I’ve found a ‘version control’ solution that works for me.


  1. On desktop, I would perform significant edits or perform minor edits on my tablet (or other devices).
  2. Once edits are complete, backup the SongbookPro database on that device and email it to myself with a title of ‘SBP’.
  3. Optionally, save it to the hard drive on my desktop.
  4. On any destination devices (including my desktop if I performed minor edits on the tablet), reset the database.
  5. Import the database from either the hard drive or from the latest email.

If I don’t perform backups immediately, I need to know exactly which device I was performing edits on. With the exception of the starter songs and set, this should ensure that my devices are 100% in sync with each other.

As for my MP3’s and other related digital content:

I use dedicated Windows backup software called Syncovery, which allows me to backup to multiple types of devices including online storage. I happen to use:

  • An ‘on the go’ laptop.
  • A CentOS server running SFTP.
  • A Synology SMB and media server.
  • Backblaze cloud storage.
  • USB devices, such as Smartphones and tablets.

Here is the main screen when creating a backup task in Syncovery. It’s daunting, but allows you to have FULL control over the type of backups and synchronization you want.


When I want to Sync my SongbookPro files, I want to know EXACTLY what that means and how I can maintain them precisely to my requirements.

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